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teens and tweens and contact lenses

Do you have a teen or tween that is begging to get rid of his or her glasses and start wearing contact lenses? Do you keep fighting with him or her because you worry about the cost and the potential health risks associated with wearing contact lenses? That is exactly why I fought my daughter about getting contact lenses for about two years. This year, I decided to start researching things a little deeper to find out if all of my concerns were legitimate. Boy, I was surprised when I learned what I did. This blog will share the insight about teens and tweens and contact lenses.

Change Your Diet & Improve The Health Of Your Eyes

If your regular doctor or if your optometrist has warned you that your eyes are at risk of developing serious issues down the road, you need to change your diet in order to protect your eyes. The health of your eyes is directly related to health of your body and to what you put into your body.

Fight Dry Eye With Fish

If your eyes frequently feel dry, you need to add more fish into your diet. Fish such as salmon and tuna are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help protect your eyes from getting dry.

You can also get omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans, Brussels sprouts, shrimp and tofu.

These types of fatty acids can also protect your eyes from more serious conditions such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

Fight Macular Degeneration With Green Leafy Vegetables & Whole Grains

Another way to fight macular degeneration and cataracts is by increasing the amount of green, leafy vegetables that you consume on a daily basis. Green, leafy vegetables are full of zeaxanthin and lutein, which help fight macular degeneration.

You can find zeaxanthin and lutein in a lot of common vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, kale, peas, collard greens and avocados.

You can also fight macular degeneration by adding whole grains into your diet. There are lots of ways you can add whole grains to your diet other than switching out the type of bread that you eat. You can also eat foods such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta and quinoa in order to up your whole grain consumption and help your overall eye health.

Fight Night Blindness With Eggs

If you can't see that well at night, or if your family has a high risk of night blindness, you can fight it by increasing your consumption of eggs. Eggs contain both lutein and vitamin A, which can help fight the development of night blindness.

It doesn't matter how you get your eggs either, just that you eat them. So add them into your favorite desserts, fry them up, stir them up, throw them in with just about anything. What matters is that you are eating them.

If you want to fight off everyday conditions like dry-eye, and more serious long-term health conditions that may require treatments like cataract surgery, you need to eat a healthy, balanced diet that includes lots sources of omega-3 fatty acids, leafy greens, whole grains and eggs.